Getting ready to depart

Less than a WEEK before departure and we are getting ready! We are still looking for more leads to relatives passed or alive in JewishGen and other web databases. Andrea is looking for school contacts. Packing. What should be on our list other than sturdy comfortable shoes and our essential IDs and funds? We need suggestions from our travel wise friends.

Justin helps troubles shoot the Sony and ipad compatibility issues.
We had a lesson about using the Sony camcorder with the ipad.  The ipad won’t accept the format our video camcorder records in. Ratso dratso.  Michael will have to wait until we return home to edit his video.  Maybe his film will make it into an independent film festival. Our blog posts media will be from our pocket Canon and ipad. 


  1. Leave your comments here and we will reply every few days.

  2. Have a great time. I will show Natalie this blog, so she can learn about your adventure. Take care, Corine Marssdorf


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